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get to have to

go from ‘i have to’ to ‘i get to’

I have to study.

I have to pass.

I have to work.

I have to do better.

What do these statements do to your stress levels? Can you feel your heart rate go up? Do you feel an increase in anxiety? There is certainly a lot of pressure bundled up in these 4 simple statements.

It’s incredible that such a nondescript sentence can have so much influence on your physiology and state of mind.

Now let’s tweak these sentences a little.

I get to study.

I get to pass.

I get to work.

I get to do better.

How does that make you feel? A little less anxious? A little less pressured? How about suddenly feeling a sense of honour and gratitude perhaps?

All of that from changing one little word from ‘have to’ to ‘get to’. And has anything actually changed? Not really. Except for your mind-set and the way that you’re perceiving your situation.

Imagine changing your mind-set when you don’t feel like sitting down to study. When your pillow is calling your name louder than is humanly acceptable. When your stomach is growling so much that it starts to frighten you. When your adrenaline tells you that you HAVE to study now because your exam is in the morning. How about simply reminding yourself that instead of you ‘have to’ study, you’re going to choose that you ‘get to’ study. See how an element of gratitude immediately slips in? It reminds you of all those people who don’t get to study. Who don’t get to further their education. Who don’t have any options. It reminds you of the advantage of being able to study. It reminds you that you have access to new knowledge and ultimately the ability to steer your life in the direction you choose to go.

And all of a sudden studying doesn’t feel like such a burden.  Suddenly it feels like a gift, and something to treasure.

The way you look at things, or perceive them, can hugely affect how you experience them.  By re-focussing your mind-set and how you filter your daily life through your thoughts, you can have a tremendous impact on the way you view your life and the relationships you have with the people around you.

But this doesn’t only apply to studies though. It applies to everything.  Every aspect of your life can be affected by this simple switch in terminology.

Instead of ‘I have to love you’ say ‘I get to love you’.

Instead of ‘I have to raise you’ say ‘I get to raise you’.

Instead of ‘I have to go to work’ say ‘I get to go to work’.

Instead of ‘I have to cook dinner’ say ‘I get to cook dinner’.

A subtle change, but it makes such a huge impact.

You get to change your mind-set because you get to choose what you want your life to look like.  Your mind-set will either grow you or impede your growth. 

Be sure to choose the one that will make the biggest and most positive impact on you.

Simply because you get to!

Happy summarising.


Picture of Natalie Nelson

Natalie Nelson

Natalie is the founder of MASN. She is a fervent advocate for discovering the joy of learning and helping students reach their academic goals. When she's not out helping students find their zing, she's a homebody that loves hanging out with her husband and two boys, whilst indulging in the odd piece of nougat.

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