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Many people do make notes electronically, it is a very popular method. Science has proven though that there is a direct link between writing and memory. For effective studying to take place, this link needs to be exercised.

Most definitely!  MASN is not only about improving your marks, but also the quality of your study life – MASN is a ‘lifestyle’ tool.  We have found that when students use MASN to its full potential, learning becomes less stressful and exam times can become quite relaxed.  Why?  Because all the learning has been done already, little bit by little bit, and exam time is really just revision time.

It only looks complicated because it hasn’t been explained to you. Once you understand MASN, it is easy to use.

Are you happy with your current studying method? Are you getting the marks you want? If you answered yes to both questions, then please continue as you are. This may seem like a flippant answer, but if your current study method is working for you, and you are achieving your goals, don’t change. Keep going.

Initially your child may find it a little challenging, but that is simply because they are not used to the system and haven’t developed the habit yet. By using the MASN study system you have an opportunity to teach discipline and commitment: a lifelong skill that not many master.

It is recommended that as soon as your child has to start studying for exams, they’re old enough for this method. It is never too early to start a great study system. And remember, the objective is to keep the level of summarising age appropriate. By this I mean that you wouldn’t expect a grade 4 student to be able to summarise their work at the standard that a grade 10 student is expected to summarise. The quicker your child learns to summarise, the easier it will be later on when this skill becomes crucial.

Again, it may appear so initially but once you have found your feet and developed a routine, it’ll become second nature. And at least you now have a place to monitor your child’s understanding of what they have learnt, where currently you don’t.

This is a flexible system designed to engage your brain and learning preferences. Mind maps are not absolute with the MASN studying system even though they are a very good summarising option. There are many other types of summarising methods that can be used.

Not at all, the spiral-bound workbook costs between R220.00 and R250.00 depending on the size book bought. There are recommended workshops as well – but these are optional.

Understandable, not many children are because studying is a perceived pain and they don’t know how to study effectively. What if MASN made studying easier and more pleasurable? Imagine trying to do something you have never been taught how to do, and now you have an opportunity to learn it and it’s easy and makes the task a breeze.

Any new process or method is not easy because you’re not used to it. With commitment and determination, it’ll become second nature.

There may be courier fees with the workbook and there is a recommended optional workshop. There are no monthly membership fees or any other sneaky surprises.

That is a very real possibility unless you both see the value in this method and you both have buy-in. Please don’t ever force your child to use the system. This must be an enjoyable experience. One that is encouraged rather than forced as we are trying to foster a love for learning.

We do however offer a workshop which is highly recommended.

That’s the whole point of MASN. It’s called summarizing because that’s what you are doing. You are not rewriting the whole syllabus.

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